Friday, August 24, 2007

She Wants... More of the same...

And so do we!

She Wants Revege has got to be one of those nearly perfect bands in my mind. Dark, brooding, intelligent, and powerful in almost all aspects of their creative effort. Some might blow them off as some Interpoolly (So sick of that) goth reconstruction. However, I think these are people that haven't really listened to music. I have yet to play this for a person (mother included!) that doesn't want to start dancing very early into the music, true... But then they start to listen to the vocals and realize, they've never quite heard love, death, religion, style, etc. explained to them in such a manner before.

Outside of the single (True Romance) the new album is more of the same... Which is all my hopes and dreams. One notable difference, at first, is the question - response formula. Justin Warfield poses a question and then gives a follow up vocal through a bullhorn effect. This is a nice little production add in. Also, you can tell they've invested some more money into better drum machine technology... Even mixing live drums with some electronic here and there.

You should buy this album and share it with everyone you come across…

.::MP3::. She Wants Revenge - Written in blood

.::MP3::. She Wants Revenge - Black Liner Run

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.